5/9 - News & PA Day: Fighting the Neoliberal Agenda


KBOO's volunteer news and talk producers have put together an amazing lineup for the semi-annual News and Public Affairs Day special.

From 7 am to 8 pm, we have a jam-packed schedule , with a focus on Fighting the Neo-Liberal Agenda.

Here's the lineup:
7 am - Democracy Now

8 am - Positively Revolting Talk Radio hosts 'Strike Debt' on debt resistance for the 99%

9 am - Former investment banker turned activist Nomi Prins, author of "All the President's Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power," speaking in Portland on April 24th.

10 am - We'll hear a rousing speech by investigative journalist and activist John Nichols , co-author of "Dollarocracy" on getting money out of our politics.

11 am - The 28th Amendment Roadshow comes to Portland!  Featuring Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz, local activist Lloyd Marbet and more!

12:15 pm - An interview with political activist and author Ralph Nader about his new book "Unstoppable: The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State."

1:00 pm - A talk by Seattle's socialist city council member Kshama Sawant, recorded in Portland on April 24th

1:45 pm - 'Organizing and Winning for 21st Century Movements' - KBOO community forum held on Wednesday May 7th

3:00 pm We'll get the first report-back from our investigative reporting team on the impact of the American Legislative Exchange Council on legislation and legislators in the state of Oregon.  Some of the team will provide reports from their trip to the Spring meeting of ALEC in Kansas City May 2 - 4.

4:00 PM Democracy Now!

5:00 pm - The locally-produced and volunteer-driven KBOO Evening News

5:30 pm - Media analysis from Counterspin

6:00 pm - Bread and Roses - KBOO's weekly feminist collective program

And at 7pm to end the day we'll hear radio host and author Thom Hartmann recorded recently in Portland talking about "The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America and What We Can Do to Stop It."