Spinitron Auto-Recognition



Published date: 
Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 8:39pm

As of October 7th, 2022, We are testing out a Spinitron Add-on that uses Automated Recognition to create playlist for you! Similar to the app Shazam, Spinitron uses ACR Cloud to detect musical broadcast and log them into your playlist. We are still learning how this all works, so please feel encouraged to provide feedback to program@kboo.org

DJs, you are still required to review the playlist and make sure the spins are accurate. The recognition Add-On is designed to save you time and to help Public Affairs folks report their theme songs or outtros. If your program is music heavy, we hope you would spend some time making sure the artists are credited.

If you prefer to enter your own playlist like before, Follow these instructions:

If you want to Opt out of recognition only for the current playlist

Click the cog icon on the page where you enter spins


and deselect the automation check box


If you want to Opt out of Automated recognition for all future playlists:

locate your program on the schedule tab,


Select Edit,


And select the "disable Automation/recognition" checkbox


Make sure to click Save.


If you are in a Collective:

You will need to create a playlist ahead of time to maintain edit access of the playlist after broadcast. Otherwise the automation with create the playlist under the first DJ listed (in alphabetical order) in the host field.
If you want to opt-out of the automated-recognition, be sure to follow the steps above for opting out of an indiviudal playlist.

To fix a past playlist, contact Program@kboo.org


How accurate is the recognition? Will it detect obscure releases?
No clue! I am eager to find out how accurate and expansive the database is, and see how it works out over the next few weeks. Again, your feedback is highly appreciated!
Can I go back and edit the spins if they are entered incorrectly?
Yes! Just like usual, you can locate a pre-existing playlist and delete/edit spins as needed. Instructions on this can be found in the Handout (attached) or the Spinitron Tutorial here.
Speaking of this tutorial, I mention in the video that less than 30 seconds of a song doesn't require reporting, but I dug deeper on that and I was wrong D:
The under 30 second rule only applies to Fair use. Which doesn't typically apply to playing music on the radio. Sorry about the misinformation there! All music must be reported, regardless of duration.
I don't have a show on the Program Schedule yet, what does this mean for recognition?
Not sure yet. Please reach out to Program@kboo.org to get your show added to the schedule.
Thanks for testing this out with us!