NEW in KBOO music library August 1, 2013



New in KBOO music library August 1, 2013


Breedings, TheFayetteSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Easy Leaves, TheAmerican TimesOmegaRegular Rock
Jain, EssieAll Became GoldenSelf ReleasedRegular Rock
Nilsson, HarryA Selection of Rarities from the RCA Albums CollectionLegacyRegular Rock
Nilsson, HarryOne Hour Radio SpecialLegacyRegular Rock
Tunstall, KTInvisible Empire / Crescent MoonBlue NoteRegular Rock
CloudeaterPurgeNibiruAlt Rock
Coke WeedBack to SoftSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Eriksson, AshleyColoursKAlt Rock
Gogol BordelloPura Vida ConspiracyCasa GogolAlt Rock
Human Experience, TheSoul VisionsSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Lewis, Black JoeElectric SlaveVagrantAlt Rock
Morris, T. Hardy and the OutfitAudition TapesDangerbirdAlt Rock
Rathborne, LukeSoftSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
ShahramShahramPharaway SoundsAlt Rock
Smooth Hound SmithSmooth Hound SmithSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Trails and WaysTrilingualNon-MarketAlt Rock
WeekendJinxSlumberlandAlt Rock
White DoveThe Hoss, The CandleSelf ReleasedAlt Rock
Moreland, Aaron and Arbuckle, Dustin7 CitiesTelarcBlues
Roomful of Blues45 LiveAlligatorBlues
Ali, Azam and Loga R. TorkianLamentation of Swans: A Journey Towards SilenceSelf ReleasedMiddle East
V/AA Short Life of TroubleMississippiTraditional Folk
Georgia Sea Island SingersJoin the BandMississippi/ChangeTraditional Folk
V/ABeen Here All My DaysMississippiCountry Blues
Animals and MenNever Bought, Never SoldMississippiAlt Rock
Rogi, S.E.The Sounds of S.E. Rogi Vol 1MississippiAfrica
V/ALast Time AroundMississippiGospel
V/ARemolino De OroDomino SoundLatin Popular