First half hour:
2022, like the last several years, has been quite a ride! And we at the Coast Range Association have been hard at work all year, providing the kind of inter-sectional analysis that no other organization brings to western Oregon and the coast.
So as we enter into the reflective days of December, I thought it would be a good idea to have our Executive Director, Chuck Willer, back on the show to discuss what we've been up to, and what 2023 might have in store for CRA.
If you want to learn more about anything we talked about today, see the show notes or go our website, coastrange.org.
And register for our webinar "Connecting Forests, Climate, and Divestment: a Webinar about Wall Street Timberlands Exploitation " (Thursday, Dec 8th, 6-7pm)!
Registration link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qd-CgrTIqGdZEKknLNPnUXRtSUow...
Show Notes:
(Draft) Coast Range rural population study map: https://coastrange.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Pop-Poster-sm.pdf
CRA Land Reform Proposal: https://coastrange.org/gnd-proposal/
Western Oregon Corporate Ownership Maps: https://coastrange.org/challenging-wall-street-forestry/ownership/
Second half hour:
The Tribal Marine Stewards Network is an alliance of Tribal Nations working collaboratively to reclaim their right to protect and restore coastal and marine ecosystems in California.
There is a lot to learn from their success, so don't miss this one!