Voices from the Edge on 03-15-12



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Air date: 
Thu, 03/15/2012 - 12:00am
Sizing up Oregon's 2012 annual legislative session

Sizing up Oregon's 2012 annual legislative session

Last week, Oregon lawmakers adjourned the state's first-ever annual session. Among the legislation passed by gavel's fall were bills to create a health insurance exchange, reorganize and expand state early childhood programs, increase the number of tax-friendly enterprise zones, protect homeowners facing foreclosure, and establishing new marine reserves off the coast. Lawmakers also revised the 2011-13 state budget to reflect an estimated $340 million revenue shortfall.

This week, Jo Ann and Dave talk with State Rep. Tina Kotek (D-HD44), Democratic Caucus Leader, about what was - and what wasn't accomplished during this new annual legislative session.

Jo Ann Hardesty is a former state legislator, former director of Oregon Action and past board president of Portland Community Media, as well as a long-time leader in the struggle for racial and economic justice. Dave Mazza is a journalist and former editor of The Portland Alliance who has covered and been involved in Portland's civil rights, environmental, labor and peace movements for over 20 years.

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Co-Hosts: Jo Ann Hardesty and Dave Mazza

Producers: Dave Mazza and Jo Ann Hardesty

Program Engineer: Steve Nassar

Audio Editor: Alicia Olson

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