Shalom Portland 12/04/09 - Religious Freedom, Seperation of Church and State, and J Street Conf.


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Air date: 
Fri, 12/04/2009 - 12:00am
KBOO Censorship

The Ban Prohibiting Public School Teachers from Wearing Religious Dress:

A Denial of Religious Freedom or Preservation of the Separation of Church and State?

ACLU attorney Charles F. Hinkle and Willamette University law professor Steven K. Green

Tension between the Free Exercise of Religion, and seperation of Church and State is explored in the context of Oregon legislation and court rulings.  This topic is relevant to observant Jews who wish to wear Yarmulkes, Muslim women who wish to wear head scarves, and any other persons whose religious practices require clothing that identifies their faith, but who still wish to be able to work in Oregon as a public school teacher.

Joel Glick and Yehuda Winter, from Brit Tzedek and J Street.

J Street is the Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace lobby newly established in Washington DC.  The first ever J Street conference was held this fall, we'll talk about the goals of J Street, the conference itself, meetings with Oregon Senators and Representatives, and opportunities for dialogue re Israel within the local Jewish community.


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