Alternative Radio on 09/20/11



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Air date: 
Tue, 09/20/2011 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Veteran activist Jodie Evans talks about "Disturbing Power the CODEPINK Way"

Jodie Evans – Disturbing Power the CODEPINK Way (interview)

Rocking the boat is never an easy task but you can accomplish meaningful things and have some fun along the way. Playing ball with the rich and powerful of course has its rewards. You’re in the golden rolodex. You get invited to all the right parties. People nod at you when you enter a room. Your name gives you entrée to inner circles. In politics the president or the secretary of state may even smile at you and call you by your given name. But all of that adds up to what exactly? Not much. That kind of fame is fleeting. Better to shake things up and fight for human rights and justice. Even if you don’t succeed every time you can look in the mirror and feel good about yourself.

Jodie Evans is a veteran activist with more than 30 years experience in organizing for social change. She co-founded Code Pink with Medea Benjamin. They've also edited the book "Stop the Next War Now: Effective Responses to Violence and Terrorism." She was Executive Producer of the documentaries “The Most Dangerous Man in America” and “The People Speak.” She is the boardchair of the Women's Media Center.

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