Guess Who's Coming to Radio??!! on 06/13/13


Produced by: 
Air date: 
Thu, 06/13/2013 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
continuing our mission...

we've had a few weeks to think about our place in the world- what is our role, in terms of doing this show, and in the world.  and we realized that we are presenting points of view and art that works against the very fabric of the cloth which blankets us in colonizing language and mindsets.  we're not trying to pat ourselves on the back; however, there's a point where you have to acknowledge with confidence that what you are doing is a needed resource, and the goal is to pass this on to as many people as possible- keeping it to yourself and/or only 'preaching to the choir' does not effect the goal of true change.

these latest series of events have led us to the desire to present more of what we do, with again, the goal of others joining us. people are actually responding in their own ways; be it the mass monsanto protests to the protests in turkey to the support of edward snowden (the man who leaked the information about the NSA) and dissatisfaction with taylor chapman's treatment of workers at a major doughnut chain.  many people are doing the work to fight injustce; still, far too many people are not.  so we will continue to bring the news and art as we see fit.  what we do is a form of survival; it is standing on the shoulders of our ancestors who used art and media to uplift, and to fight injustice.  we will of course be discussing some of these issues mentioned above.  we'd love to hear your voices, and your solutions!

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