Our guest today on Pathways is Terri Daniel, author of the new book Turning the Corner on Grief Street. Terri is an ordained interfaith minister, clinical chaplain and intuitive counselor who assists dying and grieving individuals to discover a more spiritually spacious understanding of death and beyond. Her unique perspective on birth, death and the journey of the soul helps the dying and the living find meaning and healing through meditative and ritual practices that open a conduit to other dimensions. Her unique form of "radical mysticism" incorporates elements of Buddhism, Shamanism, ancient pagan practices, gnostic Christianity and other spiritual traditions to break down limiting beliefs about forgiveness, divine judgment and negative experience. Terri replaces these beliefs with an empowering vision of a co-created universe where there are no victims or perpetrators, only souls seeking expansion and awareness. She is also the founder and president of the Afterlife Education Foundation and producer of the annual Afterlife Awareness Conference.