Food Workers Resist: Storytelling About Race, Food and Identity



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Air date: 
Mon, 06/26/2017 - 8:00am to 9:00am
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Cecil and Celeste welcome Will Fain of Handsome Pizza and Douglas Tsoi of PUGS, organizers of the upcoming Food Workers Resist: Storytelling about Race, Food & Identity...

Is food a political and moral topic? Who gets to eat what, who makes it, and how it's delivered are affected by gender, race, class, ethnicity, and this nation's history. Food Workers Resist is a one-time event, in the style of the Moth Story Slam, to tell these stories. 

Proceeds go to Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization, a humanitarian organization dedicated to serve immigrants and refugees. 

As the White House administration's attempts to silence, criminalize, and dehumanize members of our community, we give voice to untold stories of race, class, gender, and food.

Show starts at 6pm 
Price: $20 ($10 if you have a food handler card)


Brought to you by Handsome PizzaPink HankyThe Racist Sandwich Podcast, and Portland Underground Grad School (PUGS).

Artwork by Demian DinéYazhi'.

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