Portland-based journalist Jacqueline Keeler asked KBOO listeners in light of Congress passing a resolution condemning Trump's racist tweets telling unnamed "Progressive Congresswomen" to "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came," have you ever been told "to go back to where you came from?" And what does this mean in a pluralistic society? Is it racist?
Jacqueline Keeler is a Diné/Ihanktonwan Dakota writer living in Portland, Oregon. She has contributed to many publications including The Nation, Yes! Magazine and Salon. Her book “The Edge of Morning: Native Voices Speak for the Bears Ears” has been published by Torrey House Press and her next “Standing Rock to the Bundy Standoff: Occupation, Native Sovereignty, and the Fight for Sacred Landscapes” will be out next year.
You can read her writing at her blog TiyospayeNow, follow her on Twitter @jfkeeler, and read her writing at her MuckRack portfolio here: https://muckrack.com/jacqueline-keeler