NEW EPISODE ALERT Ok y’all, here’s the deal. We’ve been working our ASSES off for this podcast that we love so dearly, but it’s mostly BTS shit that not many see or hear. Well aren’t your ears in for a fuckin treat because we are FINALLY releasing new content!!!! We’re releasing episodes that were previously recorded with stellar guests that deserve every bit of the praise. Major major thank you to our boo @elevatedphoenix_ for being a fabulous guest and for being so patient with us. And thank you to everyone who’s checked in, met with us, consulted, encouraged, even just asked where the hell we’ve been. We appreciate every follower, listener, and friend of the pod and we hope this new VVP era will both knock u off your feet and lift your spirit into the abyss. We love u all and, here with the consistency and branding, we’d like to remind u that #ittakesavillage