This episode features inspiring interviews with:
Kai Ingram, organizer with PDX Black Youth Movement @pdxblackyouthmvmt
Waz Wu, blogger and graphic designer @wazwu
Cameron Whitten, co-creator of the Black Resilience Fund @blackresiliencefund
The PDX Black Youth Movement, a group of 16 to 21 year olds, is organizing to abolish the police system as we know it and amplify the voices of Black youth in Portland. On today's show, Kai Ingram talks about PDX Black Youth Movement and their demands to create a better world. She also discusses their Black Girl Magic event which happened on Saturday August 15, 2020.
As part of the Food Show’s ongoing collaboration with Margin Podcast, we’ll hear host Jake Baez interview Waz Wu of Veganizer PDX about how nonBlack People of Color can have an impact on this moment and about our collective accountability. At the end of the show, Jake speaks with Cameron Whitten about the Black Resilience Fund, an emergency fund dedicated to healing and resilience by providing immediate resources to Black Portlanders.
Jake has this to say about the episode:
"It can be a challenge to examine the world through what feels like the “right” lens. Probably the biggest challenge is seeing that there really is no “right” lens, it's as multifaceted as a Kaleidoscope. Every experience or concept, like every person can be perceived differently or examined from a different angle. This is why it's important to have conversations that allow us to view more angles than the ones we previously had available. That's what I've tried to do with Waz Wu and Cameron Whitten, and I hope you're able to find some value in the topics we discuss."