Quinto Sol en Buscando America



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Air date: 
Fri, 03/12/2010 - 12:00am
Quinto Sol en Buscando America


Mujer, after interviewing Quinto Sol on the road to Oregon. You played the OTHER(hip-hop) Kinto Sol BAND. The two are completely different and the song you played was NOT a QUINTO SOL song. PLEASE do make a correction and visit their Myspace page to give them a listen SI? http://www.myspace.com/quintosol
Please play your audience  Quinto Sol Music so that the interview will reflect the music. Thank you Mujer. ~ Araceli Silva a Huge fan of ten years. :)

Carmen Martin-Stiles's picture

<p>Si, gracias. I talked to them the next day and found out. I apologized to them , all fine. The fact was that here there was come confusion about the bands&nbsp; and I ended up getting the wrong music...</p>
<p>I've played Quinto Sol several times since them. They are fantastic!</p>

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