61% of Oregonians recently polled SUPPORT Arizona's Draconian new Immigration Laws


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Wed, 06/23/2010 - 12:00am
61% of Oregonians recently polled SUPPORT Arizona's Draconian new Immigration Laws

 Is Oregon an anti-immigrant state? A new study suggests it is.

study commissioned by a consortium of Northwestern public radio stations says that a majority of Northwesterners -- Oregonians, Washingtonians and Idahoans, or whatever they call themselves -- agree with the anti-immigrant law passed recently in Arizona. In Oregon, that support is at 61 percent.

What does it mean? Is anti-immigrant sentiment more widespread than we thought? And what is that sentiment exactly? Fear, born of cultural ignorance? Economic anxiety? Good ol' racism? A toxic brew of all three? With Joe on vacation, Abe leads the discussion.



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