Please join us on Tuesday, July 18th at 6:00 pm for Transpositive PDX on KBOO Community Radio 90.7fm as we talk with Gene Turner about his new book about transgender trailblazers titled "A Trans Through Time."
Born in 1961, author Gene Turner knew at age 5 that he was different. The word transgender did not exist in his world yet. Gene did not "come out" (as lesbian) until they moved to Houston when Gene was 19 and started frequenting the bar scene which was huge back then. He reports he "had a blast drinking and dancing every night... you know disco was huge and happens to be the music I still love lol."
Gene eventually fell in love for the first time which lasted 10 years. When that ended, Gene moved to Seattle with his then-second partner, and after 6 years that was a bust. By then computers hit the scene and Gene joined a lesbian IRC chat room and met the person that they would eventually marry and spend the rest of his life with.
They lived as a lesbian couple for about 20 years before Gene really "heard" the word transgender and realized that's what he was. Although he had often told his partner that he was a man in a woman's body he never really thought of doing anything about it... mainly because his parents were still alive and he knew they would not understand at all about being transgender, they didn't understand in the past about being a lesbian so...
They were not "allowed" to get married until 2014 or 2015 and shortly after decided to get married. They did a destination wedding in Florida on a beach in 2016 and have been living happily for almost 27 years.
"A Trans Through Time" is Gene Turner's latest book and is expected to be released this fall. The book goes on a journey exploring the lives of transgender trailblazers from around 1900 through the 1960s when the consequences for being out could ruin your life. In the face of these threats to their survival, the people Gene explores in his book lived lives full of adventure, love, family, and career opportunity in spite of living lives considered illegal, immoral, and impossible at the time.
Transpositive is a biweekly program in Portland exploring themes important to those who identify as Transgender, Gender Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming. Transpositive tries to connect listeners with the ongoing activism, arts, culture, and dialogue happening in Portland and beyond. Make your voice heard! Transpositive PDX is open to new and experienced programmers, guests, and events you want our community to know about. We are an open collective. Anyone who identifies as trans, gender non-binary, gender fluid is welcome to be part of our collective after completing some basic free radio training.
For more information contact Emma at transpositivepdx@gmail.com
Transpositive PDX on KBOO 90.7FM or online at KBOO.FM
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Gene Turner Gene.Turner.Books@proton.me