The Nuclear Free Team of the Sierra Club Grassroots Network is offering a series of three films to watch online without charge, with the second of the films available from today--June 3rd—through June 10th. Titled SOS: The San Onofre Syndrome: Nuclear Power’s Legacy, the film will be followed by a webinar panel on June 10th. Jan Haaken, director of Atomic Bamboozle, talks today with Mary Beth Brangan, producer and co-director of SOS about the making of the film and its message. They also discuss the Sierra Club Nuclear Free Film Series and its activist aims. The film will be available at no charge for video on demand viewing anytime from June 3 through June 10 thanks to an educational grant from the Grassroots Network of the Sierra Club to the Nuclear Free Team. Register for the free viewing at: https://watch.eventive.org/scnuclearfree/play/65df95a376a72b002f4c49af