Hosted by Lisa Loving
What drives the drop out rate, the achievement gap and the incarceration rate? A growing movement says too many kids are getting suspended and expelled from school as a form of punishment, and more black kids are suspended and expelled from school than any other group. We're live in Studio 2 with Sheila Warren of the Portland Parents Union, who is working right now on the School Push Out Campaign.
What is the "Push Out Campaign?" It's a Campaign to bring awareness to the fact that our "Drop Out" problem is really more of a "Push Out" Problem, with Schools kicking more kids out, and with increasing frequency.
The Telephone Number for The Portland Parents Union is 971-279-2462.
The Journey to Freedom Project was mentioned during the show, as was Dignity In Schools.
A Caller recommended watching Charlotte Iserbyt's videos on YouTube. There are LOTS of them...