Celebrating the Longest Night, and the Return of the Light


A look at Winter Solstice, on the personal and political levels.

 So we've made it around the Sun, one more time.  The longest night of the year comes next week-- Winter Solstice is Tuesday, the 21st, with the Sun going into Capricorn at 3:38 PM, Pacific Time. 

This is one of the eight turning points of the pagan year.  The last was Samhain, more commonly known as Halloween.  At that time, the old year dies... the earth lies almost at rest around us for six weeks.  Now, at Winter Solstice, it is reborn.
In this time, all possibilities exist as we dive into the void to find our visions, and make them manifest.  In this longest night, we can access our subconscious selves, our dreams, and we can face our shadow selves.  In these things lay our personal power.  This is the time of deep visioning or meditation. Search within yourself for that which you seek.
Your shadow self is not your enemy, the more you understand it, the more you know which parts serve you, and which parts you’ve outgrown, and would benefit to leave behind.  And as the days lengthen, and the sun returns, our visions grow and take shape.  Your thoughts are seeds to cultivate in the weeks ahead.  Plant them well.
As social change activists, let’s think about what’s been hidden, needing to be brought to light. What do you want to bring into your life, your community, your world?
The next holiday will be February 1st, Imbolc—the day of initiation. 
For information on the full year’s quarter and cross-quarter holidays, please see my blog post for last Imbolc, here.