2009 Fall Membership Drive Wrapup


2009 Fall Membership Drive Wrapup

Thanks to everyone who contributed to KBOO during our Fall Membership Drive!  We stopped the Drive on schedule Saturday night, despite being short of our overall fundraising goal by roughly 22% or $28,000.


If you made a pledge and didn't pay with a credit/debit card, please send your payment to us this week

We rely on individual donors for over 80% of our annual operating budget.  KBOO has no endowment and receives NO federal money.  If you didn't donate during the Drive, you can make your donation here.

KBOO has always been commercial free because our listeners support us financially.


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show da !

Hi, I Love KBOO (great new website, too) and listen every day.   I'm a retired, mini-philanthropist, and as I do not like to be solicited or talk with anyone in order to give them money, I scheduled my bank to make money donations to KBOO.  Nowhere on your website does it give people like me the information needed to easily do this.  So, lacking that information, I have given my bank your mailing address.  Suggestion:  If your mailing address is not your PREFERRED address to receive donations, perhaps you could post your preferred donations address on your site.  Just a thought. . . . . .  Thanks for all you do.(One more suggestion - perhaps you could make an agreement with your audience - say something like - "for listeners to Democrary Now! we agree to NOT interrupt the broadcast if you agree to call us when the broadcast has ended. . . .")