20TH Anniversary of the Million Man March: 'Justice Or Else'



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Air date: 
Thu, 09/17/2015 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm
LOC Organizing For 'Justice Or Else' 10-10-15
Join Sekoynia Azikiwe and Stephen G. for EarToTheStreets of Portland Thursday night as we speak to the Local Organizing Committee-Portland (LOC-Portland) for the organzing of the 20TH Anniversary of the Million Man March: 'Justice Or Else'. The anniversary will take place in Washington D.C. on October 10, 2015  to commemorate the first one in 1995 and bring to light the injustices of today .

What is 'Justice Or Else'? How is Portland's LOC and other LOC around the nation preparing to stay organized after 10-10-15? Tune into KBOO online: www.kboo.fm, on TUNE-IN: http://tunein.com/radio/KBOO-Community-Radio-907-s31809/ , on your mobile phone: m.kboo.fm, or on Portland radio at 90.7fm ......for those questions and more!

Also, support EarToTheStreets of Portland on KBOO by calling: 877-500-5266 or donate on line on the KBOO website and click the 'Donate Today Jar'.....to help KBOO continue to bring you truth, honesty, and COMMUNITY! THANK YOU for your support!

As always: Time To Wake-up So We Can Rise Up!

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