Host Dab Steadman talks with Seth Tibbott, the founder and chairman of The Tofurky Company about the development of Tokurky- the first plant-based meat-alternative to a turkey dinner sold commercially in the US. Seth tells us what motivated him to switch his career to become a New Age food pioneer and the founder of a company whose business motto is to "put people, animals and the environment over profits". Seth describes his environmentally-designed & operated LEED-certified production plant in Hood River, OR, and what it means to be a " B-Certified" company. We also discuss some of the ways that his company has helped animal and environmental causes...and why his line of plant-based foods are now in great demand in Europe. We end by talking about the future of food world-wide.
Please note that The Tokurky Company will again be a sponsor of the Animal Rights National Conference in Los Angeles this July.
For information about The Tofurky Company, products, recipes, plant-based nutrition & more, visit the website: