KBOO News In Depth: Judith Arcana



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Air date: 
Mon, 10/08/2018 - 5:45pm to 6:00pm
Grace Paley, November 1984
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Judith Arcana

Our In Depth guest today is Portland-based writer, teacher, and radio host Judith Arcana. Judith’s published work includes poems, stories, essays, and books. She’s a longtime teacher of literature, writing, and women’s studies. And she volunteered as a Jane, a member of the Chicago underground service that helped more than eleven thousand women get safe illegal abortions, before the US Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade in January 1973. 

Judith also hosts the monthly KBOO show Poetry and Everything, which airs the fourth Monday of the month at 10pm.

We focus on Judith's 1993 book Grace Paley’s Life Stories: A Literary Biography, and the crowdfunding campaign to get it back in print.

Photo of Grace Paley courtesy of Susan Lukes
Photo of Judith Arcana courtesy of Alan Borrud

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