


Zeloszelos Marchandt

Produced for Between Us
Zeloszelos Marchandt is a democratic candidate for Oregon's 35th House seat.  He talked with Don Merrill about how he is especially keyed into the issues of his district, why focusing on specific policy plans initially is not as important as demonstrating a commitment to... Read more

Teresa Alonso Leon Interview

Produced for Between Us
Teresa Alonso Leon is a democratic candidate for Oregon's new 6th US House District.  She talked with Don Merrill about why diversity and inclusion in everything from language to relationships is crucial to how she connects with her community, why she believes both in th... Read more

Brent Barker Interview

Produced for Between Us
Brent Barker is a non partisan candidate running for BOLI commissioner.  He talked with Don Merrill about how to get labor and business, two entities who often want opposite things, to work toward the same goals, how he'll help improve Oregon's dismal college graduation ... Read more

Andrew Kalloch Interview

Produced for Between Us
Andrew Kalloch is a democrat who is running for Oregon's 4th US House District.  He talked with Sam Bouman about how he'll balance the importance of climate change and economic opportunity in the communities of his district, why his plan, called "Claim Stat" for monitori... Read more

Tammy Carpenter Interview

Produced for Between Us
Tammy Carpenter is a democrat who is running for the Oregon House in District 27.  She talked with Sam Bouman about how corporate money helps her opponent will outspend her by ten times, what she will do to bring down the cost of prescription drugs and why a "just" trans... Read more

Jonathan Chenjeri Interview

Produced for Between Us
Jonathan Chenjeri is a candidate for Oregon's House District 56.  He talked with Sam Bouman about what being a "Self Described Socialist" actually means, the importance of labor rights for workers and why rural areas in Oregon are, he feels, treated like exploited Third ... Read more

Cody Reynolds Interview

Produced for Between Us
Cody Reynolds is a democratic candidate for Oregon's 6th Congressional District.  He talked with Sam Bouman about how the self-actualization of people is his highest goals, why his qualifications as a soldier and citizen are more than enough to qualify him to run for off... Read more

Ibra Taher Interview

Produced for Between Us
Ibra Taher is a republican running as a Green Party candidate.  He talked with Don Merrill about why the right should trust him despite him switching parties, why Federal lands must be "disposed" of by turning them over to the states and how, if he gets into the US Congr... Read more

Laurel Roses Interview

Produced for Between Us
Laurel Roses is a republican running for Oregon's 5th US House seat.  She talked with Don Merrill about why productive, undocumented workers shouldn't necessarily have to go to the back of the line, how Oregon's GOP may be less of a solution and more of the problem for O... Read more

Amber Richardson Interview

Produced for Between Us
  DISCLAIMER:  Ben Morris, who is the Communications Director at the Oregon Secretary of State contacted KBOO on 4/20 with the following corrections regarding answers given by Amber Richardson in her 3/16/22 interview with Don Merrill.  Mr. Morris' comments are posted ... Read more