

Kristian Williams on Treyvon Martin, Capitalism and the Culture of Fear

Airs at: Mon, 04/02/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
Bill Resnick talks with Kristian Williams, Portland-resident and renknown scholar of policing and police history, about the murder of Treyvon Martin. Kristian re-caps the case and those like it, but also comments on the nature of the "stand your ground" laws that have been ... Read more

Old Mole Variety Hour April 2nd

Airs at: Mon, 04/02/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
           Joe Clement hosts today's Old Mole. We hear about the Treyvon Martin case, Adrienne Rich's work on motherhood, a poem by Adrienne Rich, a movie review about revolutionary black workers, and a radical musicology segment about Alix Dobkins, who we hear throughout t... Read more

Worker-owned co-operatives: building a more humane economy

Airs at: Wed, 03/28/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Recovery Zone
The United Nations has declared 2012 the International Year of Cooperatives, Congress may be considering the National Cooperative Development Act, and worker-owned co-operatives could play a role in creating an economy that treats people as human beings.  One inspiring exam... Read more

Is Big Brother watching? Oh, yes he is. Abe and Joe look at the NSA's massive new spy center.

Airs at: Tue, 03/27/2012 at 12:00am
 Hosted by Abe Proctor and Joe Uris   There's a lot of information flying around these days, more so than ever before, in fact. Keeping tabs on all of it would seem to be an impossible task. Not to worry, though -- Big Brother is up to the job. Abe and Joe take a look at... Read more

Interview with Ellen Brown

Airs at: Thu, 03/15/2012 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Interview with Ellen Brown who has written extensively on state banks, debt and other economic issues. Now she describes how the Greek financial crisis could take down Wall Street. Read more

Peek Behind The Veil Of Monopoly Media Manipulation

Airs at: Thu, 03/15/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Presswatch
Today we will talk about the elections, the economy, serving the 1% and we'll listen to an interview with Melissa Block about Syria.. Read more

Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of American Workers

Airs at: Mon, 03/12/2012 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for More Talk Radio
  Hosts Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod interview Ellen Schultz about her book, "Retirement Heist: How Companies Plunder and Profit from the Nest Eggs of American Workers." It's no secret that hundreds of companies have been slashing pensions and health coverage earned by... Read more

Fighting a Tar Sands Company's Claims to Private Land

Airs at: Fri, 03/09/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
Host Marianne Barisonek speaks with Julia Trigg Crawford, a Texas landowner and farmer who isn’t letting the foreign tar sands company claim eminent domain rights to her land without putting up a fight. Two weeks ago Ms. Crawford launched a petition to protect he... Read more

The Economy and President Obama's recent executive order.

Airs at: Thu, 03/22/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for Presswatch
Today we are talking about the economy and the recent executive order President Obama just signed. Read more

Coal Exports and the Future of the Columbia Gorge

Airs at: Thu, 03/22/2012 at 12:00am
Produced for A Deeper Look
Coal Trains rolling down The Columbia Gorge. Mile and a half  long open coal trains, not 1 a day not even just 10 a day but up to 60 a day, carrying the worlds dirtiest form of energy to huge coal export terminals at St. Helens, Longview and other points along the Orego... Read more