KBOO's Engagement Coordinator Kate Chase shares current work and ideas about
promoting KBOO and growing the station into the future -- with listener
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Why is it that so many schools fail at teaching their students critical
thinking skills that could help them understand the world? Political
scientist Agustina Paglayan argues that mass primary education from its
origins was set up not to raise children’s prospects — ...
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Mohammad Bader is an Arab American, Palestinian poet, National Certified
Counselor, and host of a bilingual called podcast The Arabian Traveler
He was born in East Jerusalem and much of his poetry reflects his experience
as a first generation immigrant. His boo...
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Socialist City Councilors-elect Tiffany Koyama Lane, known as Teacher
Tiffany, and Mitch Green, a green energy economist, talk about their vision
for building working-class power in Portland, Oregon
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Our guest today is Imani Muhammad from Youth Organized and United To
Help. They have great activities and events coming up – and right now
they’re raising money to repair their broken window.
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James and Nate talk with Stephen Jacobs, a Professor at Rochester Institute
of Technology's School of Interactive Games and Media and Scholar in
Residence at The Strong National Museum of Play. We talk about how one finds
themself as a scholar of games and play, the orig...
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