


Avel Gordley talks about her memoir "Remembering the Power of Words"

Airs at: Thu, 05/05/2011 at 11:30am - 12:00pm
Produced for Black Book Talk
Hosts Patricia Welch, O.B. Hill and Emma Jackson Ford speak with former Oregon State Senator Avel Gordley about her memoir Remembering the Power of Words. Avel Gordly is the first African American woman elected to the Oregon State Senate. Remembering the Power of Words is t... Read more

Abe & Joe discuss the Federal Budget

Airs at: Tue, 04/19/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Hosted by Joe Uris and Abe Proctor. today, we'll discuss the Federal Budget. CD-1829 Read more

William Pepper on the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Airs at: Thu, 04/07/2011 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
Host Per Fagereng speaks with William Pepper, an American lawyer who practices international human rights law, about the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4th, 1968. Pepper was present at Martin Luther King's April 4, 1967 Riverside Church speech in which Ki... Read more

Talk Radio on 02/25/11

Airs at: Fri, 02/25/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
Host Per Fagereng speaks with David Lindorff, founding editor of the online alternative newspaper ThisCantBeHappening! Lindorff recently wrote the piece "U.S. Caught in The Big Lie: ThisCantBeHappening! was Correct in Exposing Raymond Davi... Read more

Richard Wolff on the current state of the economy

Airs at: Wed, 02/02/2011 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Wednesday Talk Radio
Host Lisa Loving interviews renowned University of Massachusetts Economics Professor, Richard Wolff about the current state of the economy including the global economy's role in the political changes we're seeing in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and now Jordan. Wolff is author of... Read more

Paul Pierson: "How Washington Made the Rich Richer--And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class"

Airs at: Wed, 12/29/2010 at 9:00am - 10:00am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Paul Pierson, co-author of Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class, was in Portland at the end of November and spoke with host Stephanie Potter. In an innovative historical departure Pierson and his co-author, J... Read more

Per Fagereng speaks with historian Alfred McCoy

Airs at: Thu, 12/16/2010 at 9:30am - 10:00am
Produced for Fight the Empire
  Host Per Fagereng speaks with historian Alfred McCoy about his article “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025” McCoy says the demise of the United States as the global superpower could come far more quickl... Read more

More Talk Radio on 12/13/10

Airs at: Mon, 12/13/2010 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for More Talk Radio
Hosts Celeste Carey and Cecil Prescod interview James Kloppenberg about his book "Reading Obama: Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition." Intellectual historian Kloppenberg says the influences that have shaped Obama's distinctive worldview, include Nietzsche and... Read more

Stephen Zunes on Foreign Policy

Airs at: Wed, 12/15/2010 at 8:00am - 9:00am
Produced for Talk Radio
Host Lisa Loving speaks with professor and analyst Stephen Zunes about his article, "Richard Holbrooke Represented the Worst of the Foreign Policy Establishment." A previous version of the article is at: Read more

Political Perspectives on 12/12/20

Airs at: Sun, 12/12/2010 at 10:00am - 10:30am
Produced for Political Perspectives
Host Per Fagereng interviews Joshua Holland about his new book, THE FIFTEEN BIGGEST LIES ABOUT THE ECONOMY (AND EVERYTHING ELSE THE RIGHT DOESN’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT TAXES, JOBS, AND CORPORATE AMERICA).  Joshua Holland exposes the most repeated, most publicized lies of t... Read more