KBOO is a proud sponsor the May Day 2011 - International Workers Day!
Here are the details:
2pm Activist Fair, South Park Blocks, SW Park and Salmon, Portland
3pm Rally
4pm March (about 20 blocks)
5:30 Post March Rally, again at South Park Blocks
At the main rally, 3pm, the speakers will include representatives from Oregon New Sanctuary Movement, VOZ Workers Rights Education Project, a teacher in Portland Association of Teachers, a student from Mecha, a woman from Clark College on women's rights, and a woman refugee from Iraq to give a middle eastern perspective. The theme is " Stop the Attacks on the Working Class, from Cairo to Wisconsin to Portland! Immigrant Rights are Workers Rights!" With the emphasis on immigrants as workers, we are hoping to get a large turnout of working people, union and non-union.
" On May 1, 1886, workers united in a general strike throughout the United States to force recognition of the eight-hour working day. On May 1, 1890, mass demonstrations and strikes were held throughout Europe and America. From that day forward workers throughout the world began to celebrate the first of May as a day of
International Worker Solidarity, fighting for the right to live without oppression and exploitation.
Today, from revolutions in the Middle East to occupations of the state capitol in Wisconsin, to day-laborers organizing themselves in Portland, workers throughout the world are rising against global attacks by the free market interests. In Egypt the working class has risen against the neoliberal government of Mubarek.
In Wisconsin, rank and file workers say "No!" to Governor Walker's austerity measures. And in Oregon immigrants and other workers say, "Stop the attacks on immigrants! Stop the raids and ICE/police
collaboration. Expose the corporate greed that blames teachers and other public union workers for the economic crisis brought on by unbridled consolidation of wealth!"
May Day March and Rally
I was hoping to find a printable version of the announcement for the March and Rally on May Day. As it is I will just do the best I can. I am rather digitally challenged so it is what it is. Thanks for all your work, member aka as Jeffrey
Hey Jeffrey
<p>Admittedly, this won't be gorgeous, but it should print out okay on one page. Thanks for your comment! vj</p>