As we grow as a global society, more now than ever, you are what you eat. Crum the Villan wants to find out what you're made of. Along with producer Saint James, in Studio 2 with us today -- Gina Smith, Jonny Cool, and Beth Myrick -- and what we want to know is: "What Are You Listening To?"
Find out more about our guests:
Jonny Cool / @jonnycoolbig
Beth Myrick / @yeahrightokay
Gina Smith / millstonegrit.bandcamp.com
Featured Music:
Slothrust - "Like a Child Hiding Behind your Tombstone"
Avery Camacho - "Drive"
George Duke - "For Love I Come"
Slothrust - "Happy Together" (The Turtles cover)
Avery Camacho - "I Bet"
George Duke - ???
Find us at:
Crum the Villan / @crumthevillan
Saint James / @stjms_
Host Crum the Villian and producer Saint James ask guests about music that is important to them and why. What is on your current playlist? How does the music you listen to impact your daily life?