Dine' Bila'ashla'ii - Human Beings with 5 Fingers



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Our Mission is:

To bring you the voices of Dine'tah—to create a shared vision for the world we want to live in.

And inform and inspire YOU into action.

“You are the change you've been waiting for”.

We will create a forum where we can learn together, define our priorities, and decide how best to use our communal resources. We include the voices of the grassroots, elders, women, and youth.

We want to raise the consciousness of the youth and inspire them to come home to the land with their ideas to shape the future of their community.

We share alternatives, to address the housing and water crises, and create jobs with Dine'-run green industries—solar and wind energy, straw-bale and earthship housing, and hemp cultivation. We invite native and non-native experts to share current findings and educate the nation about options.

We engage Dine' dialogue about the issues and candidates in the upcoming Navajo Nation Election in November. To build consensus and make the leaders aware and accountable. A forum to discuss gaming and the GMO presence at NAPI, Navajo Agricultural Products Industry.

To discuss ways to address the unmet needs of those who live in remote areas without basic services, women and children who experience intimate violence, and those in treatment. To preserve and teach the Dine' language in early childhood.

We want to dream with you and put our dreams into action.

BooTwo - second stream
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Trudie Jackson on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Mon, 07/23/2018 at 2:00pm - 3:00pm
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  Trudie Jackson is running for Navajo President. Listen to what she has to say on Human Beings with 5 Fingers. Read more

Longest Walk 5, War on Drugs on Human Beings With 5 Fingers

Airs at: Fri, 03/18/2016 at 12:00am
Listen to this episode of Human Beings with 5 Fingers to hear Christopher Franscico discuss the Longest Walk 5 with Orlando Vigil, National Coordinator, Cliff Jack, State Coordinator for New Mexico and Dennis Banks. They talk about the walk and how they are trying to ins... Read more

Kim Howe, young farmer speaks on contaminated river water on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Sun, 08/16/2015 at 12:00am
Kim Howe of Dooda Fracking, speaks about the recent water contamination of the San Juan River that flows through Dine' land. She recounts first seeing the yellow water and how her farm is coping. Read more

Kim Howe from Dooda Fracking on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Fri, 01/23/2015 at 12:00am
We interviewed Kim Howe from Dooda Fracking, an organization raising awareness about fracking on the Dine' (Navajo) reservation. She joined with the Journey for Existence walk around Dine'tah (People's land). They are now on the eastern side where most of the fracking is... Read more

Sexual Assault Services of Northwest New Mexico on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Tue, 07/01/2014 at 12:00am
Christopher Francisco is in New Mexico. He spoke recently with Shannon Hoshnic, Prevention Educator/Administrative Assistant and Cheryl A. Eaton, Rural Coordinator and Sexual Assault Advocate for Sexual Assault Services of Northwest New Mexico. The primary purpose of Se... Read more

Founder of Tennessee Hemp Industries Association on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Sat, 05/10/2014 at 12:00am
This week, Christopher Francisco speaks with Colleen Sauve, the Founder of the Tennessee Hemp Industries Association about the benefits of industrial hemp. Found out more about the Tennesse Hemp Industries Association here. Dine'-a-la' ashla'ii / Humans Beings with 5 Fing... Read more

Louise Benally on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Tue, 04/29/2014 at 12:00am
Welcome to the third episode of Dine' a-la' ashla'ii Radio Podcast! We interviewed Louise Benally about her activism in the Big Mountain community and beyond, fighting for clean water, clean air, and alterntive energy. Dine'-a-la' ashla'ii / Humans Beings with 5 Fingers i... Read more

The Corn Party on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Thu, 04/17/2014 at 12:00am
Welcome to the second episode of Dine' a-la' ashla'ii Radio Podcast! We interviewed The Navajo Corn Party about the upcoming November election.   "The Corn Party is for the next Generation. We are going to change the direction of our Navajo Nation. We have the desire and ... Read more

Lester Begay on Human Beings with 5 Fingers

Airs at: Wed, 03/26/2014 at 12:00am
Welcome to the first episode of Dine' a-la' ashla'ii Radio Podcast! We interviewed Lester Begay about his efforts to address corruption within the Navajo Nation Government and to introduce alternative and environmentally friendly economic opportunities. Dine'-a-la' ashl... Read more