We are joined by theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel to talk about his
book Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive,
positivity; and our ideal jobs on the Enterprise.
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Godiva interviews the organizers of the Vancouver Star Trek Happy Hour
then Josette, Ryan and Godiva play Star Trek Triva. (Spoilers: It doesn't go
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We are joined by our buddies Dylan Miller and Ryan Castro to talk about the
new Deep Space Nine documentary 'What We Left Behind' then argue about
favorite DS9 episodes. Then join Godiva and her friends John and Phil to
have a few drinks and talk about the convention sc...
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Josette and Godiva Lee introduce their humble selves, talk cons and read
thru a Star Trek: The Animated Series with the Trek in the Park gang.
We chat with Adam Rosko, Ryan Castro and Nate Ayling of Trek in the Park
to discuss Alaskin Tribbles, Britney Spears, and Garrett...
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Join us as we try to keep a straight face drudging thru a reading of How
Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth, an episode with an IMDB rating that's
probably more generous than fair
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