


Eric Sten's on housing the homeless

Airs at: Sun, 03/11/2007 at 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Hole in the Bucket
Eric Sten describes his successes in housing for the homeless Read more

APA Compass

APA Compass is a collectively produced public affairs program.  Our mission is to provide a forum for dialogue, exploration, and dissemination of issues pertinent to Asian Pacific American (APA) communities; to unite, politicize and empower APAs; to raise awareness of socia... Read more

Circle A Radio

Circle A covers local, national and international issues, focusing on the voices of communities who, for political reasons, are not allowed a voice in the mainstream media. For more information email us, or continue to the Audio Tab to listen to our past shows.   The Cir... Read more

Buscando America

  Every Tuesday from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM.     Somos un programa radial en español, que se transmite por KBOO Community Radio en las frecuencias 90.7 FM Portland, 104.3 FM Corvallis y 91.9 FM Hood River.  Este es un espacio de comunicación que sirve a las comunidades mig... Read more


Every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 9-9:30am. Every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursday from 9-10am.                                                                News you're not supposed to know Tune in at 9AM Thursdays for an anarcho-socialist viewpoint on everything from climate to... Read more

Positively Revolting

  Every Friday from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM.   A variety of topics from an eco-feminist, and anarcha-feminist perspective   Call in and voice your thoughts, ideas and opinions on today's topics. The studio number is 503-231-8187 Like us on Facebook Read more

Alternative Radio

Every Tuesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Alternative Radio, established in 1986, is a weekly one-hour public affairs program offered free to all public radio stations in the US, Canada, Europe and beyond. AR provides information, analyses and views that are frequently igno... Read more

Locus Focus

  Every Monday from 10:00am to 11:00am.   A weekly conversation about our place on the planet. Locus Focus host Barbara Bernstein talks with local, regional and national experts, activists and policy makers about climate change, food policy, land use, salmon restoration... Read more

Prison Pipeline

Every Monday 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. Connecting with the Community Inside. MISSION STATEMENT Prison Pipeline is a radio program dedicated to educating the public about the Oregon criminal justice system. Our goal is to present a unique understanding of the criminal justi... Read more